About FIYB
Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Ithaca Youth Bureau in its endeavors. As a city department, the Ithaca Youth Bureau is precluded from directly allocating its resources and staff toward soliciting private funding. In light of increasing youth needs and decreasing government budgets, the Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau was established to support the Ithaca Youth Bureau in fulfilling its mission to "provide a broad variety of recreation and youth development programs to promote the health, happiness and well-being of all youth and families in the greater Ithaca area."
Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, but we are still in the early stages of development. New members are always welcome. Check back often for updates, and get in touch with us about how you can get involved!
“The Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau is dedicated to supporting the IYB’s wide range of programs for tots to teenagers.”